Juan Pablo Eskildsen

Resilience Coaching With JP Aharon Eskildsen

[ Re – Framing ]The Past

If I could tell you of the many times I fell down and felt disillusioned in life, this page would have more drama than Netflix. My name is JP Aharon Eskildsen and I want to invite you to shift your perspective on past mistakes or hardships and rebuild your outlook on life. By shifting our consciousness, we manifest bigger results. 

Whether you were involved, or maybe Life just «happened», getting back up after heartbreak, a loss, perhaps an addiction or just a big doo doo we did can be quite hard.

[ Re – Framing ] Loss, Mistakes, Hardships

We all go through ups and downs, but some past mistakes or pain can last years inside of us. For me personally, after my Father’s suicide, I went through addiction recovery, a couple of detentions and even mental health issues to later re-connect to joy and happiness. That learning process need not be long and bitter. My intention is to help you rebuild a new self by accompanying you through your process of building everlasting resilience.

After our Coaching journey, you will be able to see and experience your loss or mistake as a stepping stone to your new and improved self. By giving a brighter meaning to the negative experience, you are now empowered (from a place of love instead of guilt or shame) to take accountability and take positive action. This is the first step to re-build your happiness and success day in and day out. This could be: starting a new career, taking concrete steps to create healthy habits or re build your confidence towards a new level of fulfillment in your relationships.

[ Re – building] Trust, Success and Joy

Through this four-month journey, we will do 1:1 individual Coaching online so you can begin walking a path that  renews your self image and helps you regain your inner confidence. Sometimes hardships can «erode» our motivation through feelings of guilt and shame. With meditations, weekly Q&A’s and online support, I am here to guide you to find your inner Light again. Once this happens, the past mistakes or hardships will become your empowering resilience story.

«In the worst curse lies the biggest blessings»

Michael Berg https://www.spirituallyhungrypodcast.com/

Whether it was a work mishap or a romantic let down, the past does not define us. Even if we went through tough times regarding our health, legal matters or financial problems  – we all have the right and duty to rebuild our failures into pillars of bigger success.

Your main takeaway from a Resilience Coaching program will be transforming bitterness into sweetness – from the inside / out. After forgiving ourselves and others for any mishap from the past, your coaching journey will include a concrete step – by – step path to reclaim your inner fulfillment. This path will be your GPS towards a daily experience of joy and success. Whether you define this as emotional stability, financial prosperity or more fulfilling relationships – your resilience journey will map out a daily routine to manifest these changes in your life.

What else is possible when you let go of guilt and build a better reality?

What’s included in our Coaching package?

  • 7 online 1:1 Coaching for 1 hour each
  • Weekly meditations sent via Telegram 
  • Weekly Q&A sessions online as a group
  • Individual support via text messages throughout the 4 months

Would you like more information?

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Watch our YouTube video

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