Juan Pablo Eskildsen

Career Expansion: Executive Coaching sessions

Are you ready to jump start your career?

This is it: time to take action! After the pandemic, tens of thousands of executives are looking for new horizons when it comes to jobs and industries. My coaching services are based on a method of creating novel achievements through intention and purpose. I help you redesign your career, monetize what you are passionate about, and upgrade your mindset. How much longer are your dreams going to be put on "pause" for someone else's profit?


Our Recent work.

This career coaching program will help you if:

A. You want to change jobs / industries / roles / business unit / country.

B. You are looking for outplacement services.

C. You want to become an entrepreneur or freelancer based on your own experience

D. You seek career clarity and need a solid plan towards your career goals.

Among other services, our career advisors and ATS experts will help you:

✓ Design your Professional Value Proposition.

✓ Integrate your PVP to your resume.

✓ Review and update your resume.

✓Review and writing of CV by an ATS expert

BONUS: 10 page report of the Behavior - GPS assessment.

As your Mindset and Career Coach, I will work with you until we see results - support and consistency are my standard!

We offer an easy 3-payment plan.

✓ Payment 1: Before starting
✓ Payment 2: At the 3rd session
✓ Payment 3: At the end of the 5th session

Note: The first career coaching session begins when you make the first payment and from there it continues between 1 and 2 times a month until completing 5 sessions of 1 hour each.

Take your career concerns and goals seriously!

Career Coaching sessions are scheduled virtually through the calendly.com platform.

Schedule your first session Today!

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